Dunno about you lot but how nice are these lighter nights? As we stick two fingers up to winter I can't wait for some long overdue sun round these parts. With our first party of the year now under our belts all eyes begin to focus on the impending spring.
Dotted up and down the country we've heard of many nights like ours - small intimate affairs for the more discerning soul heads that are disillusioned with the musical tripe most places churn out - and one such night that caught our attention was Northern Comfort up in that big rainy city Manchester. Why? Well over the past few years they've been booking some top draw guests in the form of Mr Scruff, Al Kent and Trevor Whateva but have also been asking DJs to come and play who we've also put on at our own little shindig such as Colin Curtis and Domu. With a guest list like that we thought we had to have a word and were delighted that residents Rob D and Andy Vee accepted our humble invite to come and play at Soul Buggin'. Everyone knows it's the residents of these great little nights that are the true heroes of the scene and we're looking forward to them showing us how it's done Manchester stylee.
Doors open at the usual time of 9pm and we'll be going through till 3am. This ones a freemasons so those feeling the pinch you ain't gotta worry about nowt. Oh and don't forget, bung 4 of you in a taxi from town and Moog will refund your fare (upto £4).
So we look forward to seeing you on the Friday 26th February but before then have a listen to Rob D's mix he did for us. It's a cracker
Download here >> http://soulbuggin.podomatic.com/
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